Women Up


Working for equity and equality in sport.

What is
Women Up?

The main objective is to promote among coaches, teachers, athletes and sports directors the equal practice and inclusion of adolescents in sports, in order to put an end to gender stereotypes present in this field in the six participating countries.

This project is a continuation of the “AGES Project”, which analyzed gender differences in adolescent sports practice and found that gender stereotypes were still present in sport. Previous research has focused on analyzing the influence of parents on adolescent practice, but coaches and teachers have been relegated to second place, despite the hours of sports practice they perform with adolescents. Therefore, without leaving aside the other stakeholders (parents, sports directors, athletes), coaches and teachers will be the main target of the project.

We work as a team
Our partners
Our Aims

To know and understand the needs and barriers present in female sport in order to raise awareness among coaches, teachers, athletes, managers and politicians working with adolescents of the modifications needed to make adolescent sport practice egalitarian and inclusive in the European Union.


To train coaches and managers who work with adolescents for the performance of an egalitarian and inclusive professional practice through training courses that will be delivered in person and online (e-learning courses).


To generate a decalogue of good practices that includes the necessary recommendations for coaches and managers working with adolescents to know the most relevant aspects to be taken into account for the promotion of equality and inclusion in sports practice.

Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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